Reading First EHC

Information and comment for Reading First in Virginia at Emory & Henry College.

Friday, August 05, 2005

The Morning After

If you can imagine, I am here all by myself this morning with no munchies nor any of your pleasant greetings! I have stowed away the signs and tied up most of the loose ends, at least those that might unravel.

Most of your instructors were still hanging about at 5:30 p.m. yesterday when I left, comparing notes, looking at evaluations, and talking about what a great time they had with you during the four days you spent with us. Dr. Crickmer took home with her the many digital photographs that Jessie Spence made of your activities on the last day, and when these are available I will make a final post to this website with a link that you can use to see and download photographs.

My thanks again to each of you. I enjoyed working with you, and I wish to invite you to participate in other Emory & Henry events, especially the Annual Education Forum. Our Forum this year will be April 11, 2006.

Check back for the photos!